
Kristina Christobal
Communication specialist & HR Summit@Cheese bij FrieslandCampina
You understand what we want to convey
Message in a Drawing can very well express in images what we want to convey. I had no doubts about our cooperation because we had worked with them before. They are also easily accessible, which promotes communication. They work quickly, professionally, understand what you want to convey and are incredibly creative!
What I liked most about our collaboration is that you are extremely flexible
My supervisor and I chose you from two options that were presented to us. We thought your style was the best match: very casual and playful. And it personally fits well with what I like.
The communication department did have its doubts in the beginning because your style differs from other drawings and animations that we already use. But in the end they are also very satisfied with the infographic and the character that we can now use.
It was very artful how you and your team managed to make the translation. What I liked best about our collaboration is that you have been extremely flexible. You were always willing to think along with obstacles so that we still met our deadline. You move easily with it.

Anna Geraedts
You understand the art of presenting the essence in a very good way in one go.
We were looking for someone who quickly understands what it is about and can think along with the content. Someone recommended you and that worked out well. You picked up the information quickly and could think along from our point of departure. You clearly indicated that it's all about good results for us. Every threshold to hesitate with feedback took you away. That is how we arrived at a very good result. You understand the art of presenting the essence in a very good way in one go. Simple and effective.
Marinka Drost
The doubt about what the investment would bring me disappeared when you sent me some drawings as an offer
I was particularly enthusiastic about the humor that is hidden in your cartoons. Your infectious enthusiasm and the "I will continue until you are satisfied" approach really appealed to me.
The doubt about what the investment would bring me disappeared when you sent me some drawings as an offer. Your mentality in combination with these drawings (I just wanted that) have convinced me. I certainly recommend you to others!

Anton de Gier
Professioneel hulpkapitein bij AppliedVisions

Pascal Seegers
Salesdirector ArboNed
The video scribe is used as a case within our own organization
We wanted to get our message about the stage in a distinctive, accessible, but above all clear and well-arranged way. At first we thought of a film about people, but this limited us in conveying your message. We also wanted to prevent the message from being too playful.
By means of a video scribe, you have all the "special effects" that you want. An additional advantage is that we have shown consistent use of visual material in our further presentation to the client through the use of stills from the video scribe.
Apart from the creativity and proactive thinking in conveying our message, the speed and care in our collaboration appealed to us very much. This was ultimately a big part of the key to our success. In addition, by asking carefully, you have managed to translate our complex message into clear language.
Our client was very pleased with the way in which the message was conveyed. As a result, we have already spoken to others many times about using a video scribe and this is currently being used as a case report within our own organization!
The drawings make communication much clearer
The composition with you as a stand-up cartoonist was born out of necessity; the person we wanted to use during the brainstorming session was not possible. She advised you and I am blind to that. I am very happy with the outcome!
I experienced the collaboration as extremely positive. Your work has received a very positive response and it has yielded a lot of useful material for the "harvast document", a summary of the harvest that the brainstorm has produced.
The drawings make communication much clearer, even for people who have not been to the session. The concepts and ideas can be communicated well. Would I recommend you to others? Absolutely!

Jurriaan van Rijswijk
Games for Health Europe Foundation

Herold Janssen
Senior consultant Expericom
She is able to simplify our complex services into crisp drawings
In a very pleasant atmosphere, Marijke knows how to listen very well to our wishes and is able to simplify our complex services into concise drawings. In addition, she has the patience and the flexibility to move with us in our hectic pace of the day, so that we finally managed to achieve the goals and deadlines together.
Our story became clearer and more powerful.
Our worries as to whether the drawing style would match the identity of our organization were taken away by the highly personal drawings, which not only portray what we want to say, but also radiate the atmosphere as we are and act. A very good result.
We have a beautiful set of drawings with which we can make original and effective presentations.
Illustrations with which we can make our story clearer and more powerful. In addition, we were forced to think time and time again about who we are, what we do and what our added value is for the customer, so that this is now sharper on our minds. A nice side effect! I would therefore absolutely recommend Marijke to others.
Let people experience what you mean
A video scribe offers us the possibility to convey a complex message in a clear, simplistic way to a large audience in a short time. In the cooperation with Marijke, we were inspired by thinking along, her proactive attitude, flexibility, the quick understanding of the message, her good accessibility, the quick contacts back and forth and the pleasant atmosphere.
There were doubts. Could we be able to present the message to such a wide audience via a video scribe without loss of content? How can you convey such complex ideas in two minutes? Is Marijke able to properly interpret our message? All three aspects have been worked out well. Marijke quickly understood the ideas, supplemented and helped translate into a suitable image.
We have already been able to use the video scribe several times for various target groups.
We have already been able to use the video scribe for several moments for various target groups (from teachers to management, from municipality / alderman to the business community). The effect was that within 3 minutes 'the why' and the ideas were clear and you could start the conversation from the same understanding and language. You can quickly, to the point and visual, in a combination of sound, text and image letting people experience what you mean and then having a conversation, and it is also fun to watch The extra personal touch to make some of the 'puppets' look like management is hilarious, but also involves , taken care of.
I have already recommended Marijke to others!

Gonneke Leereveld

Marieke Melten
Marketing- en communicatieregisseur bij Partner in Marketing
Great. I am a fan!
Keep it simple ...
Marijke is a very pleasant person to work with. Driven, (naturally) creative, always thinks along with solutions and keeps the matter simple. This way Marijke makes it possible to convey your message in a clear way. Her enthusiasm is contagious and her professionalism gives confidence.
Great. I am a fan!
Cartoons are very accurate
I have found the cooperation with you very pleasant. You were flexible and actively helped, that was very nice. You were also ready in the short term with an urgent job (the wine labels)!
On the evening itself, your cartoons were also very popular, there was a lot of laughter at the presentation and it contributed to a good atmosphere. The cartoons are funny and they are very accurate!

Ma MSc Lindy van der Veen
Consultant Beerenschot

Martin Hol
Manager marketing & beleidsontwikkeling bibliotheek 's-Hertogenbosch
Siep has become a household name
Marijke has signed Siep (van de Bieb) for us. We were looking for a logo through which we could build up our communication for the target group 0-13 year olds.
Siep has become a household name for all primary school students in 's-Hertogenbosch. And Siep is always positive and cheerful in his communication, just like Marijke!
Marijke is full of good ideas and like no other can translate the communication concepts that I come up with into images. And perhaps the most important thing is that working with her is always a party.
Marijke's contributions lifted our projects to a higher level
Marijke really has a separate view of the assignments that we have done together. Her way of working and certainly the work itself have put their own stamp on the end result. Her contributions have lifted the projects to a higher level.
Ronald Fok
Fondseditor Zwijsen