Look. It floats to the surface. In a sea of communication it flows on, on the way to its purpose. It makes you curious. You want to grab and open it. That is your message. In my drawing. I have cleverly wrapped your message and sent it on its way. With my passion for images your message gets a face. And achieves its goal.
Message in a Drawing is mijn new name. Why? Because it says exactly what I do. What my drawings can achieve - for your organization. I translate your message into images. That way the message becomes faster and more smooth than you can ever put words to it. When needed I do this together with my team. For example with an animation.
Make them happy
Your customers. Your employees. Your students. My drawings and our animations persuade and get you over the hump. Especially with change management you save time and energy. You put a smile on an otherwise sour face. Mood and humor are our strengths.