Published: 27 November, 2019
“Marijke, how did you come up with this?!”I don’t go for less. I admit it: I am a perfectionist. My client should be really happy and I draw endlessly until we are both 100% satisfied with the result. Most sketches end up in my thrash.When I’m asked to make a cartoon, I start with collecting […]
Published: 27 November, 2019
Working out a cartoon takes me a few hours of diligent work. But making up the cartoon, that is the hard part. When I’m stuck or in doubt, I look at the great cartoonist Dan Piraro. I graze through his website to get ideas (cartoons), to read (blog) or hear (interviews) how he solves dilemma’s […]
Published: 27 November, 2019
“We don’t know problems, we only know solutions”, I heard a manager say. To make it easy he skipped the ‘challenges’. But even this manager will have to bite the bullet sometimes. And then he and the organization need tot get to work. TralalaUneasiness in an organization. Confusion about who does what. Big differences in vision. […]
Published: 27 November, 2019
To what end do we exist? Most organizations have a melodious answer: the company vision or mission. It’s good for all who work there to know what is the shared identity, towards what goal you work and which values are shared. From time to time you need to recalibrate this, preferably with each other. Do we […]
Published: 27 November, 2019
Has a powerpoint presentation ever persuaded you to take action? Did it set you on fire so you immediately transferred money or you signed up for a voluntary service?What brings people in motion is a passionate plea from someone who persuades them with a strong and simple message. Or an executive who explains a new […]
Published: 27 November, 2019
Not a drawing talentI never say someone is a drawing talent. Not even if it’s true. To me it was said often when I was young so I know what it’s like. Paralysing. You see I was a very good draughtsman and I had so much fun drawing. I filled stacks of paper with animals […]